The spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship is one of the 8 European key competences for lifelong learning, defined as “a person’s ability to translate ideas into action. This includes creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects to achieve objectives. It is a skill that helps individuals not only in their daily life, in the home and in society, but also in the workplace, to be aware of the context in which they operate and to be able to seize the opportunities that are offered and is a starting point for the more specific skills and knowledge that those who start or contribute to a social or commercial activity need”.
This definition has been subsequently and more recently set out into guidelines, strategic priorities and operational models on entrepreneurship in education and training, specifically inviting adult learners to integrate entrepreneurial skills and competences in their current services or through specific courses.
EntreComp, Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, published in June 2016, has produced a common definition of “entrepreneurship” that helps to establish a bridge between the worlds of education and work and can be taken as a reference for any initiative that aims to promote and support entrepreneurship learning.