Who we are
We are a non-profit organisation engaged in international cooperation. We set up in 2020 in line with the requirements of the Third Sector Code in Italy.
Our voluntary members have been engaged for many years in europroject activity, development cooperation, technical assistance to European countries that are beneficiaries of the IPA pre-accession instrument, communication, legal assistance, and professional and university training.
What we believe in
In our experience we have become aware of the limits linked to international cooperation projects based exclusively on donation.
For this reason, we believe that in order to make the interventions sustainable over time, it is necessary to help increase the skills of self-entrepreneurship and social and collaborative entrepreneurship in the target communities.
What we want to do
We want to contribute to the realization of project in favour of communities living in situations of economic and social disadvantage.
For this reason we work to promote networking between different organizations, profit and non-profit.
We integrate ours and their expertise while optimising resources.
Sustainability of projects
We want to promote sustainable and inclusivev initiatives that are co-designing with the community and accompanied by capacity building actions aimed at local stakeholders, both public and private.
We believe in the importance of having measurable indicators in terms of the real, social and economic impact of projects.
#SKILLS4JOB in Tanzania on the starting line
The #SKILLS4JOB programme in Tanzania gets underway. Start of the [...]
#SKILLS4JOB in Tanzania on the starting line
The #SKILLS4JOB programme in Tanzania gets underway. Start of the [...]
Social entrepreneurship training in Zanzibar
The training of young people and adults is one [...]
SEND is partner in pilot training action for changemakers (Croatia)
Responding to civil society's demand for adequate skills to [...]
MoU between SEND and WHYodv for the revitalisation of the Jambiani Vocational Center (Zanzibar).
The Vocational Centre set up by @WHYodv in #Jambiani [...]
SEND fundraising campaign for the #SKILLS4JOB programme in Tanzania
The fundraising campaign to support the #SKILLS4JOB programme in [...]