#SKILLS4JOB in Tanzania on the starting line

The #SKILLS4JOB programme in Tanzania gets underway. Start of the TSE workshop for employees of small accommodation facilities. In international cooperation, projects to provide vocational training for those who cannot afford it can make a difference. This is what we believe in as SEND. We want to give people living in disadvantaged situations the opportunity […]

#SKILLS4JOB in Tanzania on the starting line

The #SKILLS4JOB programme in Tanzania gets underway. Start of the TSE workshop for employees of small accommodation facilities. In international cooperation, projects to provide vocational training for those who cannot afford it can make a difference. This is what we believe in as SEND. We want to give people living in disadvantaged situations the opportunity […]

Social entrepreneurship training in Zanzibar

The training of young people and adults is one of the most important aspects of international cooperation projects. But also one of the most complex. Sometimes the cultural backgrounds are very different and the level of education of the people involved is different. That is why we set up the voluntary organisation SEND Social Entrepreneurship […]

SEND is partner in pilot training action for changemakers (Croatia)

Responding to civil society’s demand for adequate skills to develop social economy projects in Croatia. This is the objective of the training seminar that was held online from 25 October to 5 November 2021. The training action was promoted by Impact EuroMed Academy in Zagreb sponsored by the Croatian bodies National Foundation for Civil Society […]

SEND fundraising campaign for the #SKILLS4JOB programme in Tanzania

The fundraising campaign to support the #SKILLS4JOB programme in Tanzania promoted by SEND has started. Join the fundraising campaign. DONATE NOW and help us offer inclusive training to unemployed women and youth living in the outlying villages of Zanzibar in a situation of economic and educational poverty and increasing vulnerability!

Transforming Education in Africa. Report UNICEF 2021

The UNICEF report is the result of a collaboration between UNICEF and the African Union Commission. The report intends to contribute to the facilitation of high-level policy discussions between national education authorities, regional and continental bodies on possible strategic shifts and interventions to boost access to education and improve the quality of teaching and learning […]

OECD Skills Outlook 2021. Learning for Life

Lifelong learning is key if individuals are to succeed in labour markets and societies shaped by megatrends such as increases in life expectancy, rapid technological changes, globalisation, migration, environmental changes and digitalisation, as well as sudden shocks like the COVID-19 pandemic. In a fast-changing and uncertain world, lifelong learning can help individuals adapt and become […]

SEND is partner for the design of a Social Economy Academy in Croatia

The design of an Academy for the Social Economy in Zagreb (Croatia) has begun. Promoters are the Croatian bodies National Foundation for Civil Society and European Foundation for Philanthropy and Society Development. SEND collaborates in the definition of the Academy’s training proposal: needs analysis, output competence profiles, structure and content of modules and training courses, […]

ENTRECOMP. The European guidelines for entrepreneurship education

The spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship is one of the 8 European key competences for lifelong learning, defined as “a person’s ability to translate ideas into action. This includes creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects to achieve objectives. It is a skill that helps individuals not only […]