SEND: Social Entrepreneurship Development ODV


Inclusive training

SEND is partner for the design of a Social Economy Academy in Croatia

The design of an Academy for the Social Economy in Zagreb (Croatia) has begun. Promoters are the Croatian bodies National Foundation for Civil Society and European Foundation for Philanthropy and Society Development. SEND collaborates in the definition of the Academy’s training proposal: needs analysis, output competence profiles, structure and content

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Entrepreneurial coaching

Decent Work Agenda of ILO and COVID-19

For the millions of workers already in vulnerable situations, the COVID-19 crisis can have devastating consequences: their fundamental rights at work are threatened, pushing workers and their families towards greater insecurity. Safeguarding and extending fundamental principles and rights at work is therefore essential to address both the immediate and long-term

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Entrepreneurial coaching

Good Jobs for All in a Changing World of Work. The OECD jobs strategy

The digital revolution, globalisation and demographic changes are transforming labour markets at a time when policy makers are also struggling with persistently slow productivity and wage growth and high levels of income inequality. The new OECD Jobs Strategy provides a comprehensive framework and detailed policy analysis and recommendations to help

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Inclusive training

ENTRECOMP. The European guidelines for entrepreneurship education

The spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship is one of the 8 European key competences for lifelong learning, defined as “a person’s ability to translate ideas into action. This includes creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects to achieve objectives. It is a skill

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Green Deal


From large rainforests to small parks and gardens, from the blue whale to microscopic mushrooms, biodiversity is the extraordinary variety of life on Earth. We humans are a mesh of this web of life, on which we depend for everything: for the food we eat, the water we drink, and

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Inclusive training

EUROPEAN UNION. Training and skills in international cooperation programs.

The EU is placing increasing emphasis on training and skills, under the umbrella of capacity building, in its mission worldwide. As part of this approach, the first security and development capacity building initiatives have been incorporated into EU missions in the Central African Republic, Mali and Somalia. 8 billion euros

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